
На этой странице показаны компании-партнеры.


Apress is a technical publisher devoted to meeting the needs of IT professionals, software developers, and programmers, with more than 700 books in print and a continually expanding portfolio of publications. Apress provides high-quality, no-fluff content in print and electronic formats that help serious technology professionals build a comprehensive pathway to career success.

DevRain Solutions

we build mobile applications... ...with a focus of simplicity and function DevRain Solutions is an Ukrainian company specialized in creating complex solutions. Our primary focus is mobile development. Having a big experience in software design, development and testing we provide quality services and solutions.


DiscountASP.NET, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is a recognized leader in advanced Microsoft Windows web hosting services.


Вакансии для профессионалов в сфере IT.


JetBrains is a Czech software development company with offices in Prague, Czech Republic; Saint Petersburg, Russia; Boston, USA and Munich, Germany. It is best known for its Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA and for its Visual Studio plugin ReSharper. JetBrains was founded in 2000 as a private company, by Sergey Dmitriev, Eugene Belyaev and Valentin Kipiatkov.

Manning Publications

Manning Publications is an American publisher established by Lee Fitzpatrick and Marjan Bace that publishes books on computer technology topics, with a particular focus on web development. Their distinctive brand features illustrations from the 1805 edition of Sylvain Maréchal's four-volume compendium of regional dress customs on the covers of many of their books.

Microsoft Украина

Украинское подразделение компании Microsoft.


O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators and expert early adopters to everyday users through its books, conferences, news reportage, videos, and classes. Founded in 1978, O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, conferences, news reportage, videos, and classes. A chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are cre...


Pluralsight provides high-quality training solutions for Microsoft .NET developers that can fit any schedule or budget. The revolutionary Pluralsight On-Demand! training library provides developers with instant access to a rich collection of online training courses delivered by industry authorities.


Компанія SoftServe є однією з найуспішніших компаній Східної Європи в галузі розробки програмного забезпечення. Починаючи від 1993 року, SoftServe вдало здійснив понад 2 000 проектів. Нашими клієнтами стали понад сто компаній усього світу, серед яких відомі бренди США, Канади, Західної Європи. Представництва SoftServe діють у Києві, Москві, а також у Бостоні, Лос-Анджелесі та Флориді (США). Компанія SoftServe має свої розробницькі центри у Львові, Дніпропетровську, Рівному, Івано-Франківську, Че...


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