[Вебинар] Developing for the "Third Screen" - Windows Phone 7

[Вебинар] Developing for the "Third Screen" - Windows Phone 7

Вебинар, организованный компаний Telerik.

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Guest Presenter: Mark Arteaga, RedBit Development

Mark Arteaga from RedBit Development will give you a high level overview of the Windows Phone 7 platform and will go into some of the new APIs available for Windows Phone 7. The webinar will cover the new application model, Windows Phone 7 specific services, sensors, multimedia plus more!

Date/Time: February 16, 2011, Wednesday, 10:00-11:00 a.m. EST

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Когда: среда, 16 февраля @ 17:00
Где: Вебинар, Вэбинар, Россия
Сайт: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/640523057
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