Fuzzy c-means clustering C# implementation
Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
The input to the algorithm are the N pixels on the image and the m fuzziness value. Its steps are:
Step 1. Initialize μ with random values between zero and one; but with the sum of all fuzzy membership table elements for a particular pixel being equal to 1 -- in other words, the sum of the memberships of a pixel for all clusters must be one.
Step 2. Calculate an initial value for J using
Step 3. Calculate the centroids of the clusters cj using
Step 4. Calculate the fuzzy membership table using
Step 5. Recalculate J.
Step 6. Go to step 3 until a stopping condition was reached.
Some possible stopping conditions are:
- A number of iterations was executed, and we can consider that the algorithm achieved a "good enough" clustering of the data.
- The difference between the values of J in consecutive iterations is small (smaller than a user-specified parameter ε), therefore the algorithm has converged.
At the end of the execution of the algorithm we have, for each pixel, the membership values for that pixel in each cluster. Traditionally the algorithm can then defuzzify its results by choosing a "winning" cluster, i.e. the one which is closer to the pixel in the feature space, is the one for which the membership value is highest; and using that cluster center as the new values for the pixel.
Source code explanation
First we need to declare ClusterPoint и ClusterCentroid class for storing point coords.
public class ClusterPoint
/// Gets or sets X-coord of the point
public double X { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets Y-coord of the point
public double Y { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets some additional data for point
public object Tag { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets cluster index
public double ClusterIndex { get; set; }
/// Basic constructor
/// X-coord
/// Y-coord
public ClusterPoint(double x, double y)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.ClusterIndex = -1;
/// Basic constructor
/// X-coord
/// Y-coord
public ClusterPoint(double x, double y, object tag)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.Tag = tag;
this.ClusterIndex = -1;
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public class ClusterCentroid : ClusterPoint
/// Basic constructor
/// Centroid x-coord
/// Centroid y-coord
public ClusterCentroid(double x, double y)
: base(x, y)
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public sealed class CMeansAlgorithm
/// Array containing all points used by the algorithm
private List
/// Array containing all clusters handled by the algorithm
private List
/// Gets or sets membership matrix
public double[,] U;
/// Gets or sets the current fuzzyness factor
private double Fuzzyness;
/// Algorithm precision
private double Eps = Math.Pow(10, -5);
/// Gets or sets objective function
private double J { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets log message
public string Log { get; set; }
/// Initialize the algorithm with points and initial clusters
/// Points
/// Clusters
/// The fuzzyness factor to be used
public CMeansAlgorithm(List
if (points == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
if (clusters == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("clusters");
this.Points = points;
this.Clusters = clusters;
U = new double[this.Points.Count, this.Clusters.Count];
//Uk = new double[this.Points.Count, this.Clusters.Count];
this.Fuzzyness = fuzzy;
double diff;
// Iterate through all points to create initial U matrix
for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.Count; i++)
ClusterPoint p = this.Points[i];
double sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < this.Clusters.Count; j++)
ClusterCentroid c = this.Clusters[j];
diff = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p.X - c.X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(p.Y - c.Y, 2.0));
U[i, j] = (diff == 0) ? Eps : diff;
sum += U[i, j];
double sum2 = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < this.Clusters.Count; j++)
U[i, j] = 1.0 / Math.Pow(U[i, j] / sum, 2.0 / (Fuzzyness - 1.0));
sum2 += U[i, j];
for (int j = 0; j < this.Clusters.Count; j++)
U[i, j] = U[i, j] / sum2;
/// Private constructor
private CMeansAlgorithm()
/// Recalculates cluster indexes
private void RecalculateClusterIndexes()
for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.Count; i++)
double max = -1.0;
var p = this.Points[i];
for (int j = 0; j < this.Clusters.Count; j++)
if (max < U[i, j])
max = U[i, j];
p.ClusterIndex = (max == 0.5) ? 0.5 : j;
/// Perform one step of the algorithm
public void Step()
for (int c = 0; c < Clusters.Count; c++)
for (int h = 0; h < Points.Count; h++)
double top = CalculateEulerDistance(Points[h], Clusters[c]);
if (top < 1.0) top = Eps;
// Bottom is the sum of distances from this data point to all clusters.
double sumTerms = 0.0;
for (int ck = 0; ck < Clusters.Count; ck++)
double thisDistance = CalculateEulerDistance(Points[h], Clusters[ck]);
if (thisDistance < 1.0) thisDistance = Eps;
sumTerms += Math.Pow(top / thisDistance, 2.0 / (this.Fuzzyness - 1.0));
// Then the MF can be calculated as...
U[h, c] = (double)(1.0 / sumTerms);
/// Calculates Euler's distance between point and centroid
/// Point
/// Centroid
private double CalculateEulerDistance(ClusterPoint p, ClusterCentroid c)
return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p.X - c.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p.Y - c.Y, 2));
/// Calculate the objective function
private double CalculateObjectiveFunction()
double Jk = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.Count;i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this.Clusters.Count; j++)
Jk += Math.Pow(U[i, j], this.Fuzzyness) * Math.Pow(this.CalculateEulerDistance(Points[i], Clusters[j]), 2);
return Jk;
/// Calculates the centroids of the clusters
private void CalculateClusterCenters()
for (int j = 0; j < this.Clusters.Count; j++)
ClusterCentroid c = this.Clusters[j];
double uX = 0.0;
double uY = 0.0;
double l = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Points.Count; i++)
ClusterPoint p = this.Points[i];
double uu = Math.Pow(U[i, j], this.Fuzzyness);
uX += uu * c.X;
uY += uu * c.Y;
l += uu;
c.X = ((int)(uX / l));
c.Y = ((int)(uY / l));
this.Log += string.Format("Cluster Centroid: ({0}; {1})" + System.Environment.NewLine, c.X, c.Y);
/// Perform a complete run of the algorithm until the desired accuracy is achieved.
/// For demonstration issues, the maximum Iteration counter is set to 20.
/// Algorithm accuracy
public int Run(double accuracy)
int i = 0;
int maxIterations = 20;
this.J = this.CalculateObjectiveFunction();
double Jnew = this.CalculateObjectiveFunction();
if (Math.Abs(this.J - Jnew) < accuracy) break;
while (maxIterations > i);
return i;
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Test application for Buterfly data clustering
The buterfly data set is shown on the Figure 1.
Function to test clustering algorithm:
static void Main(string[] args)
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(0, 4));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(0, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(0, 0));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(1, 3));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(1, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(1, 1));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(2, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(3, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(4, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(5, 3));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(5, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(5, 1));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(6, 4));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(6, 2));
points.Add(new ClusterPoint(6, 0));
centroids.Add(new ClusterCentroid(0, 2));
centroids.Add(new ClusterCentroid(6, 2));
CMeansAlgorithm alg = new CMeansAlgorithm(points, centroids, 2);
int iterations = alg.Run(Math.Pow(10, -5));
double[,] Matrix = alg.U;
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < centroids.Count; i++)
ClusterPoint p = points[j];
Console.WriteLine("{0:00} Point: ({1};{2}) ClusterIndex: {3} Value: {4:0.000}", j + 1, p.X, p.Y, p.ClusterIndex, Matrix[j, i]);
Console.WriteLine("Iteration count: {0}", iterations);
Console.WriteLine("Please press any key to exit...");
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The output will be the following:
A Tutorial on Clustering Algorithms
Fuzzy C-means cluster analysis
Source code
The latest source code is available on the Codeplex Data Mining Source Code Project webpage.