Список официальных twitter аккаунтов Microsoft
четверг, 17 декабря 2009,
Александр Краковецкий
В продолжении темы о Microsoft и Twitter публикую список официальных твиттеров Microsoft.
- @MSWindows – Announcing Windows 7
- @WindowsLive – Official Twitter account of Microsoft Windows Live
- @MajorNelson - Major Nelson, a.k.a. Larry Hryb of the Xbox 360 group.
- @liveframework – liveframework
- @livemesh – Sync, share, and access the information you care about—wherever you happen to be.
- @SharePoint – The official tweetstream of the SharePoint product group - managed by @LLiu
- @bizspark – Microsoft BizSpark - Software, Support, Visibility
- @zunemarketplace – Zune Marketplace is a store for the way you love music, with brand-new releases every week and a huge selection of music in every style imaginable
- @wmdev – Windows Mobile
- @microsofttag – Microsoft Tag
- @ch9 – listen to the cockpit, help us fly the plane
- @ch10 – Channel 10 is Microsoft's online community for the technology enthusiast
- @ch8 – Microsoft's community for students
- @mixonline – Come check us out at www.visitmix.com
- @MIX09 – The Next Web Now, pre-empted by @MIX07, @MIX08 and @PDC08
- @SiteNamedDesire – Want a copy of A Website Named Desire? This li'l birdie will tell you how. Wait for the tweets.
- @MicrsftTech4All – News from Microsoft Accessibility team, which strives for technology to be usable by everyone & complements our physical & cognitive abilities.
- @MSDN – Updates from the MSDN site team.
- @adCenterBlog – News, Tips, Tricks & Best Practices From The Guys At Microsoft adCenter
Microsoft Official Accounts
- Microsoft - @microsoft
- Windows Live - @windowslive
- Microsoft Windows - @mswindows
- Microsoft Xbox - @microsoft_xbox
- Microsoft Store - @microsoftstore
- SharePoint - @sharepoint
- Zune - @zune
- Zune Marketplace - @zunemarketplace
- Bing - @bing
- Microsoft Research - @msftresearch
- FUSE Labs -@fuselabs
- Microsoft Surface @surface
- Microsoft Press -@microsoftpress
- Xbox Support - @xboxsupport
- Windows Phone - @windowsphone
- Springboard Series @msspringboard
- Channel 9 - @ch9
- Office for Mac - @officeformac
- Windows Embedded @msftweb
- Microsoft Advertising - @msadvertising
- Microsoft Asia - @microsoftasia
- Microsoft Analyst Relations - @microsoftar
Microsoft People
- Bill Gates - @billgates
- Major Nelson, Xbox - @majornelson
- Frank Shaw, Corporate Communications - @fxshaw
- Aaron Greenberg, Xbox - @aarongreenberg
- TriXie, Xbox Live - @trixie360
- Laura Massey, Xbox Live - @lauralollipop
- Mark Drapeau, Director of Innovative Social Engagement - @microsoft_mark
- Michael Yaeger - Zune @yegr
- Mark Murray, Public Affairs - @markmurray98119
- John Starkweather - @johnstarky
- Charlie Kindel, Windows Phone - @ckindel
- Joe Belfiore, Windows Phone - @joebelfiore
- DMZilla, Community Coordinator, Xbox Live - @dmzilla
- Scott Guthrie - @scottgu
- Justin Angel - @justinangel
- Mary Jo Foley, ZDNet - @maryjofoley
- Paul Thurrott, WinSuperSite - @thurrott
- Ed Bott - @edbott
- Ina Fried, CNET - @inafried
- Todd Bishop, Techflash - @toddbishop
- Nick Eaton, Seattle PI - @njeaton
- Rafael Rivera - @withinrafael
- Tom Warren, Neowin - @tom_warren
- Long Zheng - @longzheng
- Scott Hanselman @shanselman
- WMExperts - @wmexperts
- Mini-Msft - @whodapunk
- WM Power User - @wmpoweruser
- XNA Community @xnacommunity
- Neowin - @neowinfeed
- Everything Microsoft - @everythingms
- Mobile Tech World - @mobiletechworld
- The Live Side - @liveside
Компании из статьи
Microsoft Украина | ![]() |