Публикации с тэгом "Goal"
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior and Middle Java developer for Navigation system (Odessa, Kharkov)
We invite an experienced Java developer to take part in the development of a large navigation system. The project is intended for high-level-security organization dealing with a large navigation software complex. The goal of the project is to develop the data replication management application with high-performance and security requirements. The application is going to be a part of the existent solution responsible for data management, transmission of messages over a network, managing the synchr...
Ремикс на "Developers! Developers! Developers!"
Все помнят эпическое выступление Стива Баллмера на одной из конференции, где он бегает по сцене и кричит "Developers! Developers! Developers!". Разработчик Cory Smith создал ремикс на выступление Баллмера в стиле рэп. Вот что из этого получилось: Smixx - Developers (feat. Steve Ballmer) by Smixx Текст песни ниже. Snixx - Developers (feat. Steve Ballmer) by Smixx I’m a developer in many senses of the word cause I make these applications but I also use these verbs to make this music I construct it...