Публикации с тэгом "Single (music)"
Бейджи в Visual Studio
А что, если бы в Visual Studio была поддержка бейджов, как в Xbox или PS3 играх? Вот как бы это выглядело (привожу в оригинале): Falling Down – Created a new SharePoint project Job Security – Written a LINQ query with over 30 lines of code The Sword Fighter – 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with zero code changes Shotgun Debugging – 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with a single character change The Mathematician – Defined 15 local variables with a single character name The Academic – Written 100...
Preparing ASP.NET Applications For Load Balancing
Web farms are used when a singe server can’t process all requests. In this case multiple servers are used for load balancing. How does it work? The concept behind Network Load Balancing is pretty simple: Each server in a Load Balancing Cluster is configured with a "virtual" IP address. This IP address is configured on all the servers that are participating in the load balancing "cluster" (a loose term that's unrelated to the Microsoft Cluster Service). Whenever a request is made on this virtual ...