Публикации с тэгом "Walking"
СТАТЬЯ Silverlight 4 Training Kit
Доступен Silverlight 4 Training Kit: The Silverlight 4 Training Course includes a whitepaper explaining all of the new Silverlight 4 features, several hands-on-labs that explain the features, and a 8 unit course for building business applications with Silverlight 4. The business applications course includes 8 modules with extensive hands on labs as well as 25 accompanying videos that walk you through key aspects of building a business application with Silverlight. Key aspects in this course are ...
Бесплатные главы из книги "Learning WIndows Phone Programming" от O'Reilly
Издательство O'Reilly готовит к печати книгу "Learning WIndows PHone Programming". Для ознакомления доступны 2 раздела: chapter 2: building your first Windows Phone application chapter 6: a journey into Silverlight on Windows Phone Также вы можете скачать исходный код: chapter 2: building your first Windows Phone application Twitter Search is a step-by-step walk through on creating your first Windows Phone application chapter 6: a journey into Silverlight on Windows Phone Graphics includes Brush...
СТАТЬЯ .NET Performance Testing and Optimization. Part 1: Building your test environment
<a href="http://www.onlinecomputerbooks.com/images/dotnetperformancetestingandoptimizationpart1.jpg" onblur="function onblur() { try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {} }">Context: Chapter 01: Introduction - The What and the WhyChapter 02: Understanding Performance TargetsChapter 03: Performance and Load Test MetricsChapter 04: Implementing your Test RigChapter 05: Creating Performance TestsChapter 06: Next Steps - Profiling Why read this book? There is a huge amount of inform...