Бесплатное обучение в Стэнфорде
вторник, 6 декабря 2011,
Александр Краковецкий
Это не шутка. Онлайн курсы от Стэнфорда.
Компьютерные науки:
- Computer Science 101 http://www.cs101-class.org/
- Machine Learning http://jan2012.ml-class.org/
- Software as a Service http://www.saas-class.org/
- Human-Computer Interaction http://www.hci-class.org/
- Natural Language Processing http://www.nlp-class.org/
- Game Theory http://www.game-theory-class.org/
- Probabilistic Graphical Models http://www.pgm-class.org/
- Cryptography http://www.crypto-class.org/
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms I http://www.algo-class.org/
- Computer Security http://www.security-class.org/
- The Lean Launchpad http://www.launchpad-class.org/
- Technology Entrepreneurship http://www.venture-class.org/
Элементы архитектуры:
- Making Green Buildings http://www.greenbuilding-class.org/
Основы медицины:
- Anatomy http://www.anatomy-class.org/
- Information Theory http://www.infotheory-class.org/
Сложные системы:
- Model Thinking http://www.modelthinker-class.org/