Публикации с тэгом "Thought"
НОВОСТЬ Бесплатное обучение в Стэнфорде
Это не шутка. Онлайн курсы от Стэнфорда. Компьютерные науки: Computer Science 101 http://www.cs101-class.org/ Machine Learning http://jan2012.ml-class.org/ Software as a Service http://www.saas-class.org/ Human-Computer Interaction http://www.hci-class.org/ Natural Language Processing http://www.nlp-class.org/ Game Theory http://www.game-theory-class.org/ Probabilistic Graphical Models http://www.pgm-class.org/ Cryptography http://www.crypto-class.org/ Design and Analysis of Algorithms I http://...
ВАКАНСИЯ Front-end Developer (Kiev)
Primary responsibilities: Take part in web applications design and UI elaboration Design, code, debug, document, and maintain web applications pieces Participate in project of user interactions Participate in testing and test automation Personal requirements: Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science is a minimal requirement; other fields of study are acceptable when combined with strong background or work experience Strong critical thinking and problem solving skills Ability to express thoughts cle...
Ремикс на "Developers! Developers! Developers!"
Все помнят эпическое выступление Стива Баллмера на одной из конференции, где он бегает по сцене и кричит "Developers! Developers! Developers!". Разработчик Cory Smith создал ремикс на выступление Баллмера в стиле рэп. Вот что из этого получилось: Smixx - Developers (feat. Steve Ballmer) by Smixx Текст песни ниже. Snixx - Developers (feat. Steve Ballmer) by Smixx I’m a developer in many senses of the word cause I make these applications but I also use these verbs to make this music I construct it...