Публикации с тэгом "Friendship"
СТАТЬЯ Онлайн выпуск английской версии журнала MSDN Magazine (Октябрь, 2010)
Доступен онлайн октябрьский выпуск MSDN Magazine на английском языке. В это номере, как всегда, множество отличного материала: Scalable Multithreaded Programming with Thread Pools; Building a Real-Time Transit Application Using the Bing Map App SDK; Connected Devices Using the .NET Micro Framework; Runtime Data Sharing Through an Enterprise Distributed Cache; Getting Started with Windows Phone Development Tools; AppFabric Serivce Bus Discovery; The Devs and the Designers Should Be Friends; Multi...
Compiler Error CS0281: Friend access was granted to 'AssemblyName1', but the output assembly is named 'AssemblyName2'.
При создании unit tests с помощью инструмента Pex, была получена следующая ошибка компилятора: Friend access was granted to 'AssemblyName1', but the output assembly is named 'AssemblyName2'. Try adding a reference to 'AssemblyName1' or changing the output assembly name to match. Friend access is a new common language runtime (CLR) feature that enables an assembly to see another assembly's non-public types. This error occurs when the assembly granting friend access specifies the wrong name for th...