Публикации с тэгом "Skill"
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer (Kiev)
Position Requirements: Solid experience in Ruby on Rails Good Experience with web MVC frameworks (Rails, Django, Symphony) Strong knowledge of MySQL server and query language Experience with Unix-like OS and/or Mac OS X console Capable of writing clean and secure code, understand XSS exploits Passionate for incremental improvement of code, practical and open to learning Understanding of OOP principles, design patterns, best development practices Strong technical English is a must The following s...
Обзор бесплатных книг издательства Microsoft Press
Предлагаю Вам, дорогие читатели этого ресурса, обзор бесплатных книг издательства Microsoft Press. Все для Вас! Enjoy reading! “Windows 7 Power Users Guide” by Mike Halsey Книга для людей, которые используют Windows 7 у себя дома или на работе. Windows 7 Power Users Guide содержит много полезной информации, полно цветных фотографий и простых советов, чтобы направлять Вас через все, от использования меню Пуск и панель задач, до резервного копирования документов и выявления и устранения проблем. P...
Microsoft приглашает украинских студентов на интервью
Компания Microsoft проводит интервью для студентов 3-6 курсов для трудоустройства или прохождения стажировки по разработке программного обеспечения в Редмонде, штат Вашингтон, США по следующим специальностям: Инженер по разработке программного обеспечения (SDE) Инженер–тестировщик по разработке программного обеспечения (SDET) Студенты, выпускающиеся в 2011/2012 годах интервьюируются на постоянную работу(Full Time), а выпускающиеся в 2013 году на летнюю стажировку(Internship) после 4-го курса. Дл...
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior and Middle Java developer for Navigation system (Odessa, Kharkov)
We invite an experienced Java developer to take part in the development of a large navigation system. The project is intended for high-level-security organization dealing with a large navigation software complex. The goal of the project is to develop the data replication management application with high-performance and security requirements. The application is going to be a part of the existent solution responsible for data management, transmission of messages over a network, managing the synchr...
Skelia: Senior and Middle .NET Developers
Skelia invites Senior and Middle .NET Developers (ref: TC-NET-DEV06-07-08) for long-term and full-time employment at its service center in Lviv, Ukraine. You will have the opportunity and challenge to be a part of the extension team of well-known international travel company. YOUR PROFILE Higher education in computer science/technical field From 3 years of professional experience High-level expertise with Microsoft technologies with .NET 2.0/3.5 Framework Experience in C#, .NET, ASP.NET, IIS, et...
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior Java Engineer
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15 We are looking for the J2EE Engineer. Description of Function and Responsibilities: Enhance and maintain Business Transformations, a core component of the Performance Manager application. Business Transformations builds the backbone of our Performance Management application and is implemented within a J2EE framework utilizing Spring and Hibernate. Bas...
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior SW Engineer - Reporter
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15 We are looking for the **" Senior SW Engineer - Reporter" Responsibilities: Design and development reports in Crystal Reports and/or MS Reporting Services environment, design and development of client / server applications in C# .Net environment. The job requires independence, fast learning and motivation, while working in a dynamic and fast moving en...
ВАКАНСИЯ Junior SW Engineer – Reporter (Aricent)
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department. 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15. We are looking for the " Junior SW Engineer – Reporter" Responsibilities: Design and development reports in Crystal Reports and/or MS Reporting Services environment, design and development of client / server applications in C# .Net environment. The job requires independence, fast learning and motivation, while working in a dynamic and fast moving en...
СТАТЬЯ Бесплатная книга “C++ Beginner's Guide. Second Edition”
Содержание Глава 1: C++ Fundamentals Глава 2: Introducing Data Types and Operators Глава 3: Program Control Statements Глава 4: Arrays, Strings, and Pointers Глава 5: Introducing Functions Глава 6: A Closer Look at Functions Глава 7: More Data Types and Operators Глава 8: Classes and Objects Глава 9: A Closer Look at Classes Глава 10: Inheritance, Virtual Functions, and Polymorphism Глава 11: The C++ I/O System Глава 12: Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics Answers to Mastery Checks ...
Архив блога ИТ Литература
В этом архиве собрана вся литература из нашего блога "ИТ литература". Книги Architecture Application Architecture Guide v2 Domain Driven Design Quickly C# 31 Days Refactoring C Sharp from Java Orange Book C# для школьников CLR via C# Third Edition SampleChapters Rob Miles CSharp Yellow Book 2008 Rob Miles CSharp Yellow Book 2009 Rob Miles CSharp Yellow Book 2010 Threading in C# Client Optimization Реактивные веб-сайты v1.4 Manager Confessions of an IT Manager Math Introduction ...