Публикации с тэгом "Steps (group)"
10 лучших книг по HTML5 и CSS3
HTML5 является последней версией языка разметки, который собирается изменить способ разработки веб-приложения с богатым контентом и интерактивностью. HTML5 и CSS3, идеально подходят для любого веб-дизайнера или разработчика, который хочет начать использовать новое поколение веб-технологий. Вот список 10 лучших HTML5 и CSS3 книг, чтобы вы прошли через процесс создания больших сайтов от начала до конца. HTML5 Step by Step HTML5: Up and Running HTML5 24-Hour Trainer HTML5 & CSS3 For The Real Wo...
СТАТЬЯ Еще один способ организации файлов в вашем VS2010 проекте
Задача организации файлов в Visual Studio 2010 может быть как простой, так и сложной. Но с новым расширением VsTagExplorer у разработчиков появился как минимум еще один способ организации файлов. Описание проекта: Don’t you just hate that you have to view the files in your solution the Visual Studio way? Now you can you start viewing your files in a much more useful way! Start tagging your files in ver easy steps! Right click in your solution explorer, set the tags for each file, and then start ...
СТАТЬЯ How to Become an Exceptional DBA, 2nd Edition
"This book is my attempt to provide a "career guide" for DBAs. It is intended both to help prospective DBAs find a "way in" to the profession, and to advise existing DBAs on how they can excel at their jobs, and so become Exceptional DBAs." Brad McGehee, Author. Table of Contents Chapter 01: Why Should I Become an Exceptional DBA? Chapter 02: Characteristics of the Exceptional DBA Chapter 03: Specialize (You can't do it all) Chapter 04: Hone Your Skill Set Chapter 05: Is Professional Certificati...
СТАТЬЯ .NET Performance Testing and Optimization. Part 1: Building your test environment
<a href="http://www.onlinecomputerbooks.com/images/dotnetperformancetestingandoptimizationpart1.jpg" onblur="function onblur() { try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {} }">Context: Chapter 01: Introduction - The What and the WhyChapter 02: Understanding Performance TargetsChapter 03: Performance and Load Test MetricsChapter 04: Implementing your Test RigChapter 05: Creating Performance TestsChapter 06: Next Steps - Profiling Why read this book? There is a huge amount of inform...
СТАТЬЯ Бесплатная книга "First Look: Microsoft Office 2010"
Год выпуска: 2009Автор: Katherine MurrayИздательство: Microsoft PressКоличество страниц: 186 First Look: Microsoft Office 2010 covers changes in Office 2010 and shows you how you can make the most of the new features to fit the way you work today. If you have downloaded the Office 2010, here is the book from Microsoft that covers Office 2010 in detail. First Look: Microsoft Office 2010, by Katherine Murray, offers 14 chapters of early content, organized like so:Part I, “Envision the Possibilitie...
Self Organizing Map (SOM)
Self-Organizing Map Overview A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map. Self-organizing maps are different than other artificial neural networks in the sense that they use a neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties of the input spa...
Association rules: apriori algorithm
Association Rules Overview From Wikipedia: In data mining, association rule mining is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases. Piatetsky-Shapiro describes analyzing and presenting strong rules discovered in databases using different measures of interestingness. Based on the concept of strong rules, Agrawal et al. introduced association rules for discovering regularities between products in large scale transaction data record...