Публикации с тэгом "Addition"
СТАТЬЯ Введение в Windows Server 2008 R2 (на англ. языке)
Бесплатная книга "Введение в Windows Server 2008 R2" (на англ. языке) доступна для скачивания. Содержание: Chapter 1 What’s New in Windows Server R2 Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration: Adding R2 to Your World Chapter 3 Hyper-V: Scaling and Migrating Virtual Machines Chapter 4 Remote Desktop Services and VDI: Centralizing Desktop and Application Management Chapter 5 Active Directory: Improving and Automating Identity and Access Chapter 6 The File Services Role Chapter 7 IIS 7.5: Improving t...
Compiler Error CS0281: Friend access was granted to 'AssemblyName1', but the output assembly is named 'AssemblyName2'.
При создании unit tests с помощью инструмента Pex, была получена следующая ошибка компилятора: Friend access was granted to 'AssemblyName1', but the output assembly is named 'AssemblyName2'. Try adding a reference to 'AssemblyName1' or changing the output assembly name to match. Friend access is a new common language runtime (CLR) feature that enables an assembly to see another assembly's non-public types. This error occurs when the assembly granting friend access specifies the wrong name for th...
СТАТЬЯ Видеокурс Programming Paradigms (Stanford)
27 лекций минут по 20 каждая ведут Джерри Кейн из Стэнфорда и Сашей Рашем (Facebook). Рассматриваются концепции и основы C, ассемблера, C++, Scheme, Python и Haskell. Lecture by Professor Jerry Cain for Programming Paradigms (CS107) in the Stanford University Computer Science department. Lecture 1 | Programming Paradigms (Stanford) Professor Cain provides an overview of the course. Programming Paradigms (CS107) introduces several programming languages, including C, Assembly, C++, Concurrent Prog...
Association rules: apriori algorithm
Association Rules Overview From Wikipedia: In data mining, association rule mining is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases. Piatetsky-Shapiro describes analyzing and presenting strong rules discovered in databases using different measures of interestingness. Based on the concept of strong rules, Agrawal et al. introduced association rules for discovering regularities between products in large scale transaction data record...