Публикации с тэгом "Understanding"
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer (Kiev)
Position Requirements: Solid experience in Ruby on Rails Good Experience with web MVC frameworks (Rails, Django, Symphony) Strong knowledge of MySQL server and query language Experience with Unix-like OS and/or Mac OS X console Capable of writing clean and secure code, understand XSS exploits Passionate for incremental improvement of code, practical and open to learning Understanding of OOP principles, design patterns, best development practices Strong technical English is a must The following s...
ВАКАНСИЯ Regional .Net Competence Manager (SoftServe)
Education: Master degree in Computer Science or similar Experience: Object-oriented analysis and design 3-5 years of experience in developing complex solutions based on .Net technologies Proven success in training programs development (Desirable) Proven success in technical leadership and coaching Proven success as team player in previous position(s) Proven communicator/presenter Specialized knowledge: Understanding of software development company functioning Understanding of offshore software d...
Microsoft приглашает украинских студентов на интервью
Компания Microsoft проводит интервью для студентов 3-6 курсов для трудоустройства или прохождения стажировки по разработке программного обеспечения в Редмонде, штат Вашингтон, США по следующим специальностям: Инженер по разработке программного обеспечения (SDE) Инженер–тестировщик по разработке программного обеспечения (SDET) Студенты, выпускающиеся в 2011/2012 годах интервьюируются на постоянную работу(Full Time), а выпускающиеся в 2013 году на летнюю стажировку(Internship) после 4-го курса. Дл...
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior Java Engineer
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15 We are looking for the J2EE Engineer. Description of Function and Responsibilities: Enhance and maintain Business Transformations, a core component of the Performance Manager application. Business Transformations builds the backbone of our Performance Management application and is implemented within a J2EE framework utilizing Spring and Hibernate. Bas...
СТАТЬЯ Обновление электронных книг от Microsoft Press
В данный момент доступны такие электронные книги от Microsoft Press, которые находятся на этапе написания: Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (10 chapters by by Patrice Pelland, Pascal Paré, and Ken Haines) Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (10 chapters by Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner) Programming Windows Phone 7 Series (DRAFT Preview) (6 chapters by Charles Petzold) Petzold’s Programming Windows Phone 7 (Special Excerpt 2) (newer than the ebook above; 11 chapters by Charles Petzold)...
RankNet: Как работает Bing?
Bing использует для ранжирования разработанную исскуственную нейронную сеть. Вначале давайте посмотрим, как работает нейронная система человека. Человеческий мозг состоит из 50-100 миллиардов нейронов, которые составляют его основу. Нейрон - это структурно-функциональная единица нервной системы. Каждый нейрон связан с другими нейронами, которые в целом формируют нейронную сеть. Электрические и химические импульсы проходят от одного нейрона к другому через аксон. В месте соединения аксона с телом...
СТАТЬЯ .NET Performance Testing and Optimization. Part 1: Building your test environment
<a href="http://www.onlinecomputerbooks.com/images/dotnetperformancetestingandoptimizationpart1.jpg" onblur="function onblur() { try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {} }">Context: Chapter 01: Introduction - The What and the WhyChapter 02: Understanding Performance TargetsChapter 03: Performance and Load Test MetricsChapter 04: Implementing your Test RigChapter 05: Creating Performance TestsChapter 06: Next Steps - Profiling Why read this book? There is a huge amount of inform...
СТАТЬЯ Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition
Бесплатная книга "Microsoft Application Architecture Guide". The guide helps you to: Understand the underlying architecture and design principles and patterns for developing successful solutions on the Microsoft platform and the .NET Framework. Identify appropriate strategies and design patterns that will help you design your solution's layers, components, and services. Identify and address the key engineering decision points for your solution. Identify and address the key quality attributes and...
СТАТЬЯ Книга о новых возможностях Windows 7
Официально: The Windows 7 Product Guide provides a detailed look at the many new and improved features in Windows 7. The guide is designed as an accurate source of information that can help you to understand how Windows 7 Simplifies Everyday Tasks, Works the Way You Want, and Makes New Things Possible. The guide is also designed to provide IT Professionals with information about how to Make People Productive Anywhere, Manage Risk Through Enhanced Security and Control, and Reduce Costs by Streaml...
СТАТЬЯ Видеокурс Programming Paradigms (Stanford)
27 лекций минут по 20 каждая ведут Джерри Кейн из Стэнфорда и Сашей Рашем (Facebook). Рассматриваются концепции и основы C, ассемблера, C++, Scheme, Python и Haskell. Lecture by Professor Jerry Cain for Programming Paradigms (CS107) in the Stanford University Computer Science department. Lecture 1 | Programming Paradigms (Stanford) Professor Cain provides an overview of the course. Programming Paradigms (CS107) introduces several programming languages, including C, Assembly, C++, Concurrent Prog...